Friday, April 1, 2011

the Bonnie Banks O' Loch Lomond

We're the city that never sleeps! And ironically enough last night was my first good, uninterrupted night of sleep in at least two weeks. Was it the vodka? The city sounds? The three am bedtime? Ours is not to reason why :)
It feels so good to be here, even walking around the city in the rain feels marvelous.
There's only been minimal drama, who knew the drama could even find me here?

We spent today with our friends Yaya (esme's nickname for her), Sara and baby Ingrid, we went to this really great kids spot called Moomah. Esme did an art project, then both girls played in the funky forest, this really great room where the kids can channel the LED water splashing all over the floor. By using pillow "logs" they have to get the water over to one wall where it helps the trees grow. Then they stand in front of that wall and their movement gets the the trees to grow...I have no idea how they do it but it was super cool and they both really loved it.

Next we wandered on the streets the 1.5 miles home. Stopping in stores, only nearly freezing to death, annoying the important manhattanites by walking side by side with our strollers. It was a nearly perfect day. Sun would have made it perfect, but as we all know a girl can't have things too perfect.

I felt beyond blessed to have the support of two great friends today, but especially my best friend since the fourth grade. I have always felt truly blessed to be surrounded by numerous wise and involved women and today took that to the nth degree. Sara listened, vented (just a tiny bit), supported me, listened some more, offered her wisdom, and then invited us to stay at her house! Who could imagine a better friend? I certainly could not and I'm so thankful to have her in my life.

Having her with me was especially perfect timing since I got an e mail from "his best friend"'s husband last night, followed by one this morning. His e mails have confirmed much of what I've suspected/known. I wish that made them less painful but I suppose there's nothing that could do that. He has no animosity toward me, I am actually shocked at the lack of animosity he has toward his wife.

I have to say that in all of this I have been pretty proud of myself for the high road I've taken. I haven't resorted to any name calling, have always taken the time to respond to all communications calmly. Have at every turn asked myself: "Is this what I want to see when I look back at this situation. Is this the reaction I want to remember myself having. Will this response make the future Jennye proud of the past Jennye?"

Before tonight I would not have thought there was a higher road I could be taking. But talking to him was somewhat astonishing. If there is a higher road he has found it. The love and concern in his voice for his wife was inspiring and saddening all at once. We had to agree that this is a miserable situation with no happiness around for any of the parties. And still he has forgiveness in his heart for what she has done.

I can only wish I had come that far.

But for now, on to more adventures. I'm going to spend tomorrow just simply enjoying the city. I'm not going to think about any of this, I'm going to try to stop feeling ill, I'm going to love my daughter and revel in family.

I hope you all have plans to have a marvelous weekend as well!

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